To: "Rod Gregg"
Subject: Re: Response to your critique
From: Rev. Dennis L Erlich <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:14:44 -0800
Rod wrote me:
>Rev. Erlich,
>My co-authors and I "appreciate" your response to our
article. ( I couldn't resist the tongue-in-cheek response
to your "jibe" )
Heh. Good juan.
>Obviously, one can't cover every base
when passing wisdom and insight through an editorial board.
And though the audience is potentially national, the target
audience was law enforcement.
Yea, I knew that.
But I found your article on a
website being used as an example of how law
enforcement views cult critics as bigots.
>Our goal was to give a small or average
police department some real guidance when they suddenly
find themselves with a "cult" in their midst. In fact, violations
of law are not negotiable and should be addressed as any
other criminals would be. I believe that point was clear.
Well, I admit to
being a bit dense, but it wasn't all that clear
to me.
>However, the point of the article was
that what you and I believe to be an emergent religion but
does not display the violent characteristics of a cult such
as Aum Shenrikyo could look very much like a "cult" to the
chief of a 10-man department in southern Utah. We can't
have law enforcement raiding Sunday service and arresting
church members simply because public outcry demands the
heathenous "cult" be dealt with because they don't fit any
known parameters of judeo-christian religion. There is no
point in inadvertantly throwing gas on a fire while you
are trying to put it out.
Well, that's basically
what I said in my forward. So we're on
the same page here.
>The goal was to define what a cult is
and what it is not.
Well, Rod, you
accomplished at least the second half your objective.
>We, as a society tend to label things
that we do not understand as malicious in nature. Fear breeds
mistrust and panic. Knowledge is power and "informed" knowledge
is what we avocated. If nothing else, we as a community
must learn from our mistakes. To do otherwise would be an
injustice to those who gave their lives to teach us.
We agree.
>Law enforcement in general, has always
been its worst enemy.
Overreaction to
the unknown is the second biggest danger, no doubt.
>We, the authors, acknowledge that cults
exist and that there are some with malicious roots and have,
historically been those that were not only dangerous to
themselves, but to everyone around them.
I believe the article
skimped on describing real cults. The
predatory ones. And how to deal with them. Not all cults
are as open and honest about what they are doing as your
Garland one.
>We also recognize that not all emergent
religions are cults. And if we, as a law enforcement community,
can recognize the difference, then society in general is
better served by the properly informed police officers that
were our target audience.
We agree.
>Dr. Lonnie Kliever once told me to imagine
a religion that advocated eating God's body and drinking
His blood during a ritualistic service with words that you
couldn't understand... and how strange that must have seemed
so many hundreds of years ago. Now, the largest organized
religion on the planet, The Catholic Church.
Though sometimes
bizarre and fascinating, I don't think that
the belief
systems of these questionable groups should be at
issue with law enforcement. On the other hand "burning
by harassing and depriving whistleblowers and critics
of their
civil rights I think should be.
>( A personal note. Thank you for pointing
out the far-sightedness of the Garland Police Department.
Clearly you covered
all the bases.
>We are very proud that our vision and
insight kept what could have been a political fiasco from
being anything but a planned and organized response to something
that we couldn't understand. It was with the assistance
of many others in law enforcement, religious scholars and
those like yourself, that our model came to exist. )
And like I said,
it's lucky you had the budget to pull it
off. Thanks
for the thoughtful response, Rod.
Be well,
To: "Rod Gregg"
Subject: Re: Response to your critique
From: Rev. Dennis L Erlich <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 09:54:21 -0800
Rod responded:
>I'd be interested to know where the "cult-apologist"
website was that featured our article...
Oops, you've caught
me overstating my position, and in fact, my
true feelings. In this instance you are correct to use
quotes around my hasty characterization. Please allow
me to withdraw that comment. The site owner is a moderate
former member who, as I have come to know him, would not
apologize for any group's abusive behavior. He and I have
actually become friends. But he was definitely using your
text to show that the FBI has little respect for ex members
and critics.
I prefer not refer you
to directly to the specific site I
referenced. But suffice it to say that if you put the
"law, enforcement, bulletin, cults" into a search engine
would have no trouble finding who has webbed your article.
I'm glad that you take
the time to correspond regarding my
comments, but I'm slightly worried that in the end (or
maybe even
from the git-go) you may regard my ministry as one of
the (as you
put it in the article) "organizations that may have an
bias." It is my experience that anti-cult groups have
been very
helpful to ex members by providing critical material they
have otherwise never have seen, despite the legal liabilities
doing so.
My ministry's work is
mainly with ex members of what should
probably be called "abusive, fanatical groups" rather
than cults
or NRMs.
>and I trust you aren't referring to
the LEB.
No, I wasn't.
>Dennis, I appreciate your position and
I believe that you appreciate ours.
I do. And I also
realize this is a much more sensitive and
emotional issue than usual law enforcement concerns.
Much of what constitutes
abuse or undue influence is really still
in a legal gray-area, and no doubt even more so for law
enforcement. And it is not really all that clear where
tort law
crosses into criminal in these matters.
Members of real cults
voluntarily give over their mental
locus of control and give up certain of their constitutional
rights to follow the cult's indoctrination program. Then
if the
group uses coercive methods to systematically break the
will of
the "lemming," or of children, that is where law enforcement
might be concerned.
My focus is mainly with
the result of groups that exploit
their members' vulnerability and gullibility. Those that
prey on
the weak, needy or down-trodden. Those that build a false
image front while behind the scenes they coerce their
and harass anybody that speaks out about to their flaws.
>Your stance has more to do with the
violent religions that are by every
>definition... cults.
Not just the violent
ones and not just the religious ones.
Any group that uses bait-and-switch
to lure kids off the street
and into becoming slaves to some crusade or inner-circle.
>Unfortunately, in our research ( yes,
there was
>research.. )
Come on, Rod. I
haven't been that critical of your work.
>we found a wide and divergent lack of
consensus on the mere
>The real point was that if it is a dangerous
cult, then laws
>have been obviously broken and options are more clear.
Culpability in
the kind of abuse I abhor can be argued in
both civil
and criminal law. So the rules are still kinda fuzzy
wrt undue influence and voluntary servitude.
>It's when it's not so
>clear that the job is most difficult.
Yes. Precisely.
There is no doubt that Law Enforcement has
come a long
way since Waco in understanding fanatics and how to
deal with them. But from what was known at the time, I
saw the
outcome as inevitable from the start of that operation.
Still, I believe someone
needed to knock on that door.
>The past has shown us that violent
>religious cults and bizarre religious movements can
appear the same until
>you begin to strip away the layers. The average cop
doesn't even know where
>to begin or who to ask for help.
Yes, those are
the sad facts.
>They may turn to a "cult-apologist"
out of
>ignorance and get into a much more dangerous position
through inaction when
>swift action was necessary. And I trust you can see
the reverse effects
>being equally dangerous.
We definitely understand
each other here.
>We do have 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments
Rights to protect on our end.. maybe
>some others. Our responsibility is sometimes to protect
the very existence
>of those things we most despise.
That is highly
commendable. I too support equal justice under
the law.
>We signed up for it, we swore an oath
>protect the child rapist from being murdered by the
angry mob... and we
>would give our lives to protect someone that is so repugnant
to us because
>we believe in something much more precious.
I share those ideals.
And I have confidence that with a
fuller understanding
of fanatical groups, less life need be
>Yes, there are flag-wavers
>amongst us who believe in a calling as high as yours.
Hey, just a minute
here! I'm not sure this is a complement.
If I'm wavin'
a flag, it's just a warning flag to people. "Steer
clear of abusive, fanatical groups."
>While I don't, myself, profess to be a
scholar on religious issues or cults,
>I have had the opportunity during this event and since
to confer with
>scholars such as Lonnie Kliever, Catherine Wessinger,
Ian Reader and others
>who not only know religion, but understand it's many foundations
>We may have, in fact, scrimped on describing
the dangerous cults, but
>realize that historically, they are few and far between.
But they cause
a lot of havoc. And I'm no expert but it
seems that
our population is more and more suggestible and
subject to fanaticism. Fanatics eventually become
confrontational, especially if prodded by authority. It
quickly become a mess of "biblical" proportions.
>The effort of
>describing both sides, the full story, is more than
the LEB would allow us
>to write, though the article did get quite a large space.
Yes, and I'm fairly
certain the bureau's investigative
to real, dangerous groups is not about to "go public."
>We couldn't
>replace volumes of books in a single article. More likely
to create the
>interest and generate the birth of knowledge.
Stimulating thought!
>Generally, what we typically
>see are elaborate con-games and ego trips preying on
a few "follower type"
>people with mostly disillusionment and financial loss
being the real harm.
>We wanted to differentiate between scams and movements
that have a
>predisposition to encourage the "lemmings" to the cliff
Understood completely.
Having been one of those predisposed
myself, I believe it would behoove you to make the point
that any group that becomes fanatical in its belief
totalitarian in its social structure is capable of ordering
lemmings over some line or edge.
>Yes, this
>does happen and when it does, its huge.
But the event can
also creep up on the members. Little by
little the
pumped-up fanaticism can increase authoritarian
domination. This is the seige-mentality of a real, dangerous
cult: "Us against the Evil World."
>However, by creating the questions
>and providing some answers, the small town marshal will
most likely call
>someone who heard something about an article... etc.
And the help gets to
>where it needs to be.
Makes perfect sense
to me. I see the logic in what you've
both in the article and in our follow-up chat.
>( And I didn't understand this reference
>On the other hand "burning heretics" by harassing and
>whistleblowers and critics of their
>civil rights I think should be.
I was referring
to this comment about how beliefs and
of certain mainline religions might seem weird:
>>Dr. Lonnie Kliever once told me
to imagine a religion that advocated eating
>God's body and drinking His blood during a ritualistic
service with words
>that you couldn't understand... and how strange that
must have seemed so
>many hundreds of years ago. Now, the largest organized
religion on the
>planet, The Catholic Church.
And I was pointing
out how certain of their practices, such
as burning
dissidents at the stake, would now be illegal. And
that modern cults do similar actions today, only using
tools to destroy dissidents.
I guess you've once again
caught me overstating my case.
This time because of my own painful personal history.
through any search engine) My point is that wealthy and
exploitative groups can employ various forms quasi-legal
psychological warfare and misuse the legal system to make
it too
dangerous for members and ex members to even report crimes
they've witnessed or speak out about the group's true
But it's not quite the
same thing as burning heretics, I admit.
>And in reference to budget... The total
cost to the City was about $100,000
>over the course of the event. Our police department
alone has an annual
>budget of about $20 million. Our city is 210,000 population.
Not being an expert
on Law Enforcement budgets, nor on the
income base
of your fair city, I don't know whether that was a
burden on other police functions or not. If what your
saying is
that it didn't impact your budget significantly, then
more power
to you.
>Thanks for your comments.
Sure thing. It's
nice that you're interested enough to
listen to
my misguided "flag-waving."
>If we ever decide to undertake such
a task again,
>we'll try to cover the rest of the bases...
I couldn't ask
for more. Thanks for the chat.
To: "Rod Gregg"
Subject: a request
From: Rev. Dennis L Erlich <>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 13:25:47 -0800
Rod wrote:
>Let me just say that I wasn't referring to you as a
flag-waver... I was
>talking about cops that were. I meant it as there are
"true-believers" that
>the badge is as high a calling as the ministry, but
I guess I didn't say it
I suspected that
might be your real meaning. The
is appreciated.
>And I do not think that you are one
of "those" anti-cult fanatics that beats
>his chest and thumps his Bible in everyone's face...
I got that right off.
I think it's important
for recovering cultists to explore a
lot of different
ideas and find their own comfortable
relationship with God ... or not.
>Simply that you chose to correspond
and share ideas and listen to
>explanations from a different focus indicated that you
were someone worth
>listening to.
Likewise, Rod.
>And you hit it right on the head when
you mentioned that there are those
>"gray areas" between criminal and civil law where some
of these groups fall.
Unfortunately equal
justice under the law is just a bit "more
equal" for
those who can afford expensive lawyers to point out
all the dazzling shades of gray. When people come out
of cults
they usually can't afford to protect their own rights
if the
group targets them for telling of their experiences. That's
another time they count on law enforcement to take an
>Partly because it's so closed that no
one really knows what is going on...
>and that makes it harder on us.
My ministry has
always encouraged those who have stories to
tell to share
their information widely. Sometimes, because the
ex cultist may believe he submitted himself willingly
to the
abuse, the shame is such that he doesn't want to talk
about what
really went on inside.
Also cults have found
many ways to discredit defectors,
especially those that go to the authorities or speak out
So if people want to
know what's really going on inside these
groups, it needs to be made safer for ex members to speak
>Not impossible.
>However, you must admit that there are some vicitms
who aren't as victimized
>as others would believe.
We live in a litigious
world. A certain small percentage of
will overstate the damage so they have better
negotiating leverage or just out of frustration. Others
exaggerate or outright lie about what happened to them.
I admit
I have seen that.
>They themselves are getting something
out of the
It may not be something
deep and mysterious. Maybe they just a
lack something as simple as street smarts or have too
idealism. Still I suppose either way you are right; it
was what
they get from the group that hooks them and keeps them
taking the abuse.
>Kind of like an abusive marriage.
The group may also
keep reinforcing the notion that there is
no place
on earth worth escaping to.
>It meets certain needs,
>but at a price that most people wouldn't pay...
Right. Giving control
of one's life over to a higher calling
or infallible
authority isn't for everyone.
>I think some of them see the
>true nature of their lifes, yet it's better than where
they were.. they have
>a sense of belonging and the world seems to make sense.
True. The group
doctrine can provide a complete world view.
Ideas outside
that model are simply labeled the enemy lies and
get filtered. There is a closing down of those parts of
personality and mental functions that conflict with the
Plus there's an intense
feeling of family, mutual care and
connection within the group. People who have left miss
that the
most, so it remains as one of the strongest hooks.
>Kind of like some homeless people...
Yes, it's a hard life, but to them,
>it's preferrable to being in a structured mental institution
or with a
>family that hates them... Better of the evils, as it
Yah, but the outside
world isn't really the Evil Place that
cults make
it out to be. I mean, sure the argument can be made
that it sucks, but so does being someone else's property.
what people in cults are like. They've given themselves
over to
the group.
>I think we are on the same wavelength
on most points... Perhaps you can help
>us get the word out through your contacts and website.
I would like to
share this chat with some of the people
in my ministry. And I think this dialog has been
fruitful enough to put up on the website. Is that agreeable
>Maybe you can clarify
>some of the points that we weren't clear on and carry
the real message for
I'd be honored
to. Let me know about putting it up on the
Thanks again, Dennis